Barney Frank Scandal

Barney Frank Will Leave The Congress 

Barney Frank, the first member of Congress who need to come out as gay and a strong Democrat, whose name is linked to sweep Wall Street Reform Bill, announced that he will step down in 2012.

"I have to choose. I have to choose between fulfilling my obligation as a member of the presentation to the Committee on Financial Services, on behalf of financial reform and I have a responsibility to remain a principal representative of the people who voted for me in 2010 "Frank said in a press release in Newton, Massachusetts, on Monday afternoon. "I do not want to run for Congress in 2012."

Frank said he believes that if he decided to run he would have won in 2012, but the challenges of restructuring proved to be worth trying to extend his term of office is two years.

"I'm not torn between a full-blown campaign in a district with 325 000 new people, and my obligation to the existing elements," said Frank. "I want to to 325,000 new voters to give me the mandate to be their advocate with the federal government for two years. After a series of projects that are passed along the various stages of incompleteness of a successor two years later is not a responsible way to act. "
Frank became a member of Congress to come out as gay six years after taking office, was released in 1987, and to break one of the main obstacles to American politics.

Asked what kind of legacy he hoped to leave behind the Congress, Frank said that "people should desire to leave other people to describe", but admitted that probably comes out to highlight in his career.

"The best antidote to reality, because the damage is reached, by definition, is based on ignorance," Frank says "I feel proud of me, finally decided to leave was 47 -. did. Do not occur in a vacuum But when I volunteered, finally released in 1987, I think it was very useful. "

Frank survived the scandal to become one of the most powerful Democrats on Capitol Hill for over 30 years in office. Congress President of the Massachusetts House Financial Services Committee when Democrats more since the beginning of 2007 early 2011, becoming the house key Democrat overseeing the financial sector in one of the most turbulent periods of the American economic history.

Frank was a key to launch the bailout of Wall Street to Congress in 2008. And he, a former Senator Chris Dodd, has their name attached to the Wall Street Reform Act swept through Congress and signed into law by President Obama in 2010.

Dodd resigned in 2010 rather than face a tough fight for reelection.

The Wall Street reform law - known as the "Dodd-Frank '- set for tough new financial rules as a way to avoid future mortgage crisis. Furthermore, provided that the new financial office for consumer protection to protect the American business great. The law is ridiculed by the Republicans in Washington to exaggerate.

Frank noted on Capitol Hill for his unkempt appearance, shirttails untucked and often combative style of speaking. He often separates the questions of journalists with contempt, is a spirit fast, and the tournament is known to verbally communicate with colleagues.

One of the advantages are not running for office is that it does not even have to pretend to try to be kind to others I do not like," Frank said, drawing laughter. "Now some of you might think they were good at it, but I tried and the lobbyist and the idea is to go out and try to be kind to others I do not think it would be ridiculous."

It was not without controversy. Frank takes a man to pay a prostitute, who lived in his apartment on Capitol Hill in 1980 and the maintenance of other customers there.

Frank survived the attempts to get him out of the house and stayed to become one of the most powerful Democrats in Washington. He will discuss his decision not to run in Boston at a conference of 13 hours of news.

The Democrats do not expect the problem to win the district, Frank was absent. Barack Obama and Senator John Kerry each attracted more than 60 percent of the vote there in 2008.

But now, Frank said he intends to make a clean break with the policy pursued other interests.

"I do not want to be a lobbyist, not a historian. I promise you both," Frank has promised today a thinly veiled shot former House speaker Newt Gingrich. "I have no intention of practicing law, even if they have a law degree. I could place some pro-bono case, the day of gay rights. My intention would be to do a combination of writing, teaching and conferences."


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